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Monday, November 30, 2009

Not getting much milk with breast pump

Breast pumps and expressing... not getting much milk?  Read our article about using expressing with a pump and milk you get. 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Breast or Bottle - an experience with both

A story about Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding. A heart felt story shared by a gorgeous mama  Read here

This is my sister that shared this with us.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Harmony Manual Spare Parts

Customer asked me: The Medela Harmony Pump I have is no longer working...I think there's a tear in the diaphragm (underneath the handle). Would you know if the Pump covered under a warranty or if this part is replaceable.


These parts are not covered by warranty, as it is general wear and tear, but yes replacement parts are available.


I’m not sure which part you need, so have included a few options here.


The little thin white membrane is actually a really really important piece of the equipment, this must have no tears rips or cracks, and no milk residue.


The parts that are under the handle are also available separately, though I would need to order them for you which takes about 4 days.  Photo attached.



Diaphragm with Stem and O-ring

O-ring sold by itself (this is the rubbery part).  The stem is the yellow part.


View all our spare parts here

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baby Rejecting Boob

Baby is rejecting breast and wont feed.  Baby rejecting boob and prefers bottle.  I just wrote an article about this.  Baby Rejecting Breastfeeding

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Second Hand Breast Pumps

Second hand breast pumps and buying them on auction sites Trademe.  A strong recommendation not to buy second hand breast pumps.   Read more

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Avent BPA Free Breast Pumps

We now have the new range of Avent BPA free breast pumpsManual or Uno Electric versions. BPA free has the ‘honey tint’ colour.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tongue Tie Op

I just wrote a post about finding a surgeon who will do the Tongue Tie snip for young baby



Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Prevent Mastitis

Do you have any products that can help with blocked ducks and /or trying to afford Mastitis?

I would recommend the Lactagogue Massage Oil and the heat packs 

Also lots and lots of vitamin C every day can really help.


Bouquet for Breastmates

A lady recently sent me this lovely email:


Hi Frances


Just wanted to drop a note to say thank you for your site, I have just come across it for the first time. My kids are now 5 and nearly 3, but I still have plenty of friends having their ‘firsts’ and see the stress and guilt they go through, and it reminds me of my first time round. 


I had a breast reduction when I was 15, and while my understanding is that the procedure is much better now, when I had mine done (ahem, nearly 25yrs ago) the technology wasn’t so flash, and lots of my internal boob bits were just taken out.  I was warned at the time that I probably wouldn’t be able to breast feed in the future, but as you can imagine, meaningless advice to a 15yr old!


Subsequently, both my children have been fully bottle fed.  In both cases, I gave the boobs a damn good try, but my milk never came in either time.  I am a strong, educated Mum who had kids in her 30s, and still I was made to feel incredibly guilty when I couldn’t breastfeed the first time round (by the second time round I was a bit wiser and more bolshy!).  And there was no information available – when my husband asked the Waikato hospital midwives what he should look for when buying formula, he was told “you shouldn’t be buying formula and I’m certainly not allowed to give you any advice on it”.  Ridiculous!  If I was made to feel so guilty and useless, I shudder to think how younger, perhaps less educated Mums who can’t breastfeed for whatever reason must feel after going through ‘the system’.


So well done to you for your website.  I can see from a quick browse that it is more focused on breastfeeding, and that’s as it should be.  But I love the practical information that is on there about bottle feeding, and the fact that it is non-judgmental.




Mum to two robust, healthy, cheeky little monkeys!





Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Manual Breast Pump Parts

This is a very common question that I get asked, lots of mums melt their breast pump parts.

It does get confusing working out which part is which for the pumps, this lady took the initiative and emailed a photo.

She has the Medela Manual breast Pump, and just needed a new cylinder.  We can organize that for her no problem.

More information on Medela Spare Parts



Although it was exhausting being at the Parent and Child show over the weekend, (and my voice is still lost), it was great to catch up with some other mums.  Swapping a few business ideas and having a good ol’ rant.  The Oyster Bay Sav went down a treat.  I definitely made the most of my weekend away in Auckland (without kids and hubby) and had social engagements every night.  Maybe that’s the reason I lost my voice… .hehehe
It was cool to put faces to names with other members of the Mums on Top forum and twitter.
We had Marilynn from Mums On Top – go and join the forum, you will really enjoy it.
Sarah and Shelly from Unido Slings
Jo from Best Blooms
Angela from Bonnie Bee Bag Co
Sarina from NudeyRudey nappies
And Bex and her gorgeous scrummy baby girl, Bexie Lady
There were a few other pikers that didn’t make it.

 So go and check out these websites, they are all fabulous sites run by fabulous women. 
Plus you also should join up to the Mums On Top website and tell them that Franny from Breastmates referred you!