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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Department of Labour (BF at Work)

The Department of Labour have released the code of employment practice, for breastfeeding / expressing in the work place.

I like that it specifically states that “Toilets are not considered an appropriate place to breastfeed or express breast milk.”

You can access the documentation via our page link hereBreastfeeding in the Work Place

Monday, March 29, 2010

Induced Lactation

Got an email from a lady I was corresponding with 14 months ago, we were originally corresponding as she was enquiring about inducing lactation for her surrogate baby.

Today she wrote:


“ Gosh a whole year and a half have passed since then!  Time flys as a mum.

Just to let you know that I was able to successfully breastfeed baby until she was 14 months old.  It was such an amazing thing to be able to do for our special surrogate baby.  The induced lactation meant I was able to supply just over half her milk with breastmilk and I used the medela supplementer to top her up – so she was still able to be at the breast.

It feels like such an achievement now that I look back!”


That is an AMAZING achievement.  Well done!!!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Working, Breastfeeding, Expressing

A customer wrote me an email asking which breast pump would best suit her needs, for returning to work 3 to 4 days per week.

We can evaluate your needs to, we are here to help you.

Read our response to this customer here



Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Over a hundred normal real women share with us how much weight they gained during pregnancy.

You can read about it here


breastfeeding hurts to start with

My girlfriend was in the maternity unit with her new baby, and sent me a text saying “no one told me breastfeeding was going to hurt this much”


= FAIL FROM ME as her friend.

= FAIL FROM ME as Breastmates


So I’ve written an article here




Monday, March 8, 2010

Latching Video

Latching a Baby for a Breastfeed, you can see three of our new videos here


In one of the videos, were baby was distracted from his feeding, I’m sure mum was getting a bit frustrated that he wouldn’t stay latched on and nursing.  But I just love the way that he looks up at his mother adoringly.  It’s a real loving baby gaze.


Even when I catch up with friends for a coffee, its always work related.  And I have very very kind friends!! 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Exclusively Expressing

One mum shares a story with us, about how she is exclusively expressing breast milk to feed her baby.  She says “just because it comes out of bottle doesn’t make it any less magic!”


You can read her full story here Expressing for all Baby’s Feeds