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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Useful information on your Website

Customer writes to me today

“I just wanted to let you know how useful the information on your website about the personal fit breast shields was for me. After being unsuccessful at breastfeeding but not comfortable with putting my baby on formula I have been expressing milk for each of his feeds for the last 3 months. Unfortunately I continually ended up with significant trauma to one nipple, to the point where I could no longer use the expressor on this breast. I consequently resorted to hand expressing, which is not very efficient (although I did get quite good at this!). After reading the info on your website I realised I needed a different size breast shield for this breast, and since this arrived I have been happily expressing 1200-1300 mls/day pain free.”

Read our helpful articles , these are separate to our Maternity Store.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting baby started on a bottle

I get a lot of emails from people with questions on how to get their babies started on a bottle and overcoming problems.  So I put a few tips on my website here:  Starting a Bottle


Today I got this reply back:


Hi again Frances, Great news, my daughter is now a pro at drinking from a bottle!! Your tips helped greatly! I found something similar to a Chu Chu teat which I think helped a lot.


At first, when my husband tried it was just hopeless! He tried on numerous occasions with me out of the room, wearing my clothes, and all sorts and it kept ending in tears and our daughter being too upset

to even realise a teat was in her mouth.  We decided I would try so I started breastfeeding her, then after about 3 minutes I detached her and quickly put the bottle in and she took it!

The next morning I did it again and she drank from the bottle a lot easier and smoother. The third time my husband did it straight from the bottle. It took a long time and a few more tears but finally she got the hang of it!  


The idea of not trying when it was her meal time was invaluable. She was always too hungry when we had tried before which got us nowhere. We were going on the theory that she would be really hungry so would  take anything. Definitely not an accurate one! So thank you once more again for your help! We all (me, husband and daughter) all really appreciate it :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Breast Pump Noises

I’ve made some short videos so that you can see how breast pumps work.  The key information is so that you can HEAR the noise that they make, compared to my voice.

Probably not something a normal shop-keeper would tell you about some of these, and you’d never know just by looking at a box

You can get to the demo page here

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Workplace and Breastfeeding

A new article on returning to work and breastfeeding in the workplace.

You can read it here:


Monday, January 4, 2010

Cleaning Baby Bottles and Equipment

We have a new article on our website about washing, sterilizing and storing baby bottles & teats etc.

How to Clean Baby Bottles



Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby Wont Drink from a Bottle

Some tips and suggestions for introducing a bottle for your baby

Baby Wont Drink from a bottle

Actually this is a very common question that I get asked from mothers that are trying to introduce expressed breast milk in a bottle for their bub