Free Breastfeeding Advice from Breastmates Maternity Store

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

FW: World of Wearable Art (Bizarre Bra Section Finalist)



Bizarre Bra busts into Wearable Art Awards…..  A nursing bra made from formula scoops.   Full story is here – you are welcome to share this on your blog etc


Like this bra?  Show your support by voting for us in the People's Choice Awards and you could win a huge prize from The Dominion Post & WOW.

Text WOW with a space and then Mamadonna Nursing Bra to 3100. Each text costs 20 cents


Monday, August 2, 2010

Baby's Cord Stump

Here is an article we just wrote about baby’s cord stump.  With the help of a customer who sent us some rather gross (but normal) photos.  Not the greatest photo to look at, full screen, first thing in the morning!!.  But I hope preggie mums find it a little bit useful.


You can read it and see the photos here:  Baby Cord Stump

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Extreme Itchy Skin When Pregnant?

Did you or do you have extremely itching burning skin when pregnant?


Read article




Thursday, July 22, 2010

Weaning Toddlers

We’ve loaded a new article thanks to the wonderful community on our Facebook Page.  Heaps of mothers shared their experiences and difficulties weaning their toddlers.


You can read all the tips here




Wednesday, May 12, 2010

13 Week Baby Scan

Just shared a post about getting your 13 Week Baby Scan, and a precious photo.  This was when my baby was 13 weeks old and a tiny peanut.  But he was smiling then too.


You can read about it here  13 Week Scan



Monday, May 3, 2010

Days for Milk to Come In

The other day I ran a poll on Facebook, asking people how long it took for their milk to come in, and for them to state whether they had a vaginal birth or c/s.

I’ve been a geek and graphed the results to show you.  132 replies.  Nothing statistical or technical, just a graphical indication of results.

You can view it here:  Days for Milk to Come In


Monday, April 19, 2010

Mums Share Tips on Starting Bottles

We asked a group of mothers on our Facebook Page for their tips on getting their child started on a bottle.  The discussion below is a group of mothers sharing some tips for starting a baby on a bottle.

Some babies can be a bit fussy, clever, and stubborn which makes this whole process very stressful for parents.   If the situation does get stressful and baby is crying and mum distressed, just stop and try another day.

The top tips that we gathered from this discussion were:

  • Offer a bottle in the morning, when baby is hungriest
  • Get someone else to hold the child and feed them (make mum leave the house for a while)
  • Warm the teat
  • Depending on age, perhaps just go straight to a sippy cupChu Chu Teat
  • Persistence
  • Offer a bottle with small volume of cooled-boiled water, or milk, at a non-meal time.  Like during a play time during the day so that baby can explore it a little, and when things are less stressful.
  • You are not alone!

You can read everyone’s comments and insights here:  Mums Share Tips for Starting Bottles

For the record: .  Of course, here at Breastmates we encourage breastfeeding at all times and support the WHO and MoH guidelines that recommend babies are exclusively breastfeed for 6 months, and then continue with breastmilk until 2.  Sometimes parents may want to introduce a bottle for their child, depending on their own situation, and sometimes they will need help and support for this.  We don’t judge.

Newborn Sleep Tips

A few Sleep Tips for adjusting to life with a newborn. You can read the full article here

Worst Things to Ask a Pregnant Women

We asked a simple question on Facebook on Friday night:  most annoying things people said to you when you were pregnant.

The most common responses were:

  • Have you had the baby yet
  • Are you sure its not twins
  • Do you know what you’re having
  • Will you try for a boy/girl next time


You can read the humorous responses from a large group of women here

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Baby Led Weaning

Baby Led Weaning – some articles we’ve collated based on information shared on our Facebook page today


Baby Led Weaning
Mums doing Baby Led Weaning




Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Department of Labour (BF at Work)

The Department of Labour have released the code of employment practice, for breastfeeding / expressing in the work place.

I like that it specifically states that “Toilets are not considered an appropriate place to breastfeed or express breast milk.”

You can access the documentation via our page link hereBreastfeeding in the Work Place

Monday, March 29, 2010

Induced Lactation

Got an email from a lady I was corresponding with 14 months ago, we were originally corresponding as she was enquiring about inducing lactation for her surrogate baby.

Today she wrote:


“ Gosh a whole year and a half have passed since then!  Time flys as a mum.

Just to let you know that I was able to successfully breastfeed baby until she was 14 months old.  It was such an amazing thing to be able to do for our special surrogate baby.  The induced lactation meant I was able to supply just over half her milk with breastmilk and I used the medela supplementer to top her up – so she was still able to be at the breast.

It feels like such an achievement now that I look back!”


That is an AMAZING achievement.  Well done!!!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Working, Breastfeeding, Expressing

A customer wrote me an email asking which breast pump would best suit her needs, for returning to work 3 to 4 days per week.

We can evaluate your needs to, we are here to help you.

Read our response to this customer here



Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Over a hundred normal real women share with us how much weight they gained during pregnancy.

You can read about it here


breastfeeding hurts to start with

My girlfriend was in the maternity unit with her new baby, and sent me a text saying “no one told me breastfeeding was going to hurt this much”


= FAIL FROM ME as her friend.

= FAIL FROM ME as Breastmates


So I’ve written an article here




Monday, March 8, 2010

Latching Video

Latching a Baby for a Breastfeed, you can see three of our new videos here


In one of the videos, were baby was distracted from his feeding, I’m sure mum was getting a bit frustrated that he wouldn’t stay latched on and nursing.  But I just love the way that he looks up at his mother adoringly.  It’s a real loving baby gaze.


Even when I catch up with friends for a coffee, its always work related.  And I have very very kind friends!! 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Exclusively Expressing

One mum shares a story with us, about how she is exclusively expressing breast milk to feed her baby.  She says “just because it comes out of bottle doesn’t make it any less magic!”


You can read her full story here Expressing for all Baby’s Feeds



Friday, February 5, 2010

Baby Colic

I just added an article to the website about baby colic.  What causes baby colic, and how you can cope with it.

You can read the full article here:  Baby Colic

Written by our guest author and Child Birth Educator, Simone from Maternal Journey.




Monday, February 1, 2010

Starting to Wean a Baby

A customer emailed me today asking for some tips on weaning.   It’s the “end of the road” with my business and store, but is certainly a relevant topic that I can help with.

Starting to Wean a Baby




Sunday, January 17, 2010

Useful information on your Website

Customer writes to me today

“I just wanted to let you know how useful the information on your website about the personal fit breast shields was for me. After being unsuccessful at breastfeeding but not comfortable with putting my baby on formula I have been expressing milk for each of his feeds for the last 3 months. Unfortunately I continually ended up with significant trauma to one nipple, to the point where I could no longer use the expressor on this breast. I consequently resorted to hand expressing, which is not very efficient (although I did get quite good at this!). After reading the info on your website I realised I needed a different size breast shield for this breast, and since this arrived I have been happily expressing 1200-1300 mls/day pain free.”

Read our helpful articles , these are separate to our Maternity Store.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting baby started on a bottle

I get a lot of emails from people with questions on how to get their babies started on a bottle and overcoming problems.  So I put a few tips on my website here:  Starting a Bottle


Today I got this reply back:


Hi again Frances, Great news, my daughter is now a pro at drinking from a bottle!! Your tips helped greatly! I found something similar to a Chu Chu teat which I think helped a lot.


At first, when my husband tried it was just hopeless! He tried on numerous occasions with me out of the room, wearing my clothes, and all sorts and it kept ending in tears and our daughter being too upset

to even realise a teat was in her mouth.  We decided I would try so I started breastfeeding her, then after about 3 minutes I detached her and quickly put the bottle in and she took it!

The next morning I did it again and she drank from the bottle a lot easier and smoother. The third time my husband did it straight from the bottle. It took a long time and a few more tears but finally she got the hang of it!  


The idea of not trying when it was her meal time was invaluable. She was always too hungry when we had tried before which got us nowhere. We were going on the theory that she would be really hungry so would  take anything. Definitely not an accurate one! So thank you once more again for your help! We all (me, husband and daughter) all really appreciate it :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Breast Pump Noises

I’ve made some short videos so that you can see how breast pumps work.  The key information is so that you can HEAR the noise that they make, compared to my voice.

Probably not something a normal shop-keeper would tell you about some of these, and you’d never know just by looking at a box

You can get to the demo page here

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Workplace and Breastfeeding

A new article on returning to work and breastfeeding in the workplace.

You can read it here:


Monday, January 4, 2010

Cleaning Baby Bottles and Equipment

We have a new article on our website about washing, sterilizing and storing baby bottles & teats etc.

How to Clean Baby Bottles



Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby Wont Drink from a Bottle

Some tips and suggestions for introducing a bottle for your baby

Baby Wont Drink from a bottle

Actually this is a very common question that I get asked from mothers that are trying to introduce expressed breast milk in a bottle for their bub



Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Baby Wont Settle

Just loaded a new article about Baby Crying – and why some babies just don’t settle in the evenings

You can read the full article here:  Baby Crying

Saturday, December 19, 2009

breastfeeding stories

Plus Size Bras Available

We have quite a selection of larger size bras available at our website, with the HOTmilk brand.  How do you prefer this term being called?  Full figure, Plus Size, larger size?  Whatever you call it, it means all the cup and band sizes above the standard.  Alot of people don't realize that the full figure sizes are catered for in gorgeous maternity bras.  All bras above a D cup have wider shoulder straps, wider back bands, and reinforcement in the cup.  Plus they still look gorgeous too!

Most other brands of lingerie only cater for sizes up to 16F - so the following list shows you the additional plus sizes that HOTmilk manufacture.

You can use these links to quickly find the size that you are looking for, and the items that are in stock, such as:


View the entire HOTmilk lingerie range on our website, and use the Find Bra Size feature at the Store

Continue reading this article here: Plus Size Maternity Bras

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Is my baby getting enough breast milk

Each baby is different too in how they feed.  

Some baby’s will take a really long time to feed, some will be quick, some will feed every 2 hours, some every four, whatever the scenario, it’s about what’s ‘normal’ for your baby.

Weight gain is something that gives us all an idea that baby’s are growing and thriving, however there are other factors to consider, like enough wet nappies, fat rolls appearing on the inner thighs, the belly looking rounded and in general ‘bright eyed and busy tailed’!

To continue reading this breastfeeding tip, click here.



Sleeping like a baby

There is so much information out there regarding baby’s sleep, so much of a focus on how much and when a baby should be sleeping, as parents it’s no wonder we become obsessed by the ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts.

We all understand that baby’s need sleep, just like adults, and on paper, theoretically, it makes complete sense.  However managing your baby’s sleep at your place on a day to day basis is often something quite different.  Baby’s will have times, days, even weeks of difficulty going to and staying asleep, that is just the nature of babys. 

Sometimes there is something you can do to encourage more sleep, sometimes there isn’t.

You can continue reading this article on baby sleep here


Get baby to sleep...

Getting baby’s into a ‘sleepy’ state (more than drowsy) is sometimes the key to them successfully being able to nod off. So when you see those tired signs you are so well accustomed to, wrap your baby, (if your baby likes being wrapped), and help your tired wee baby slip over into a sleepy state by:

  • rocking
  • patting
  • ssshhhing
  • singing
  • white noise
  • simulating those sounds and experiences of the uterus that work such a treat.

You can read the full article and baby sleeping tips here


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Antenatal Classes and more

Maternal Journey is an education, information and support service working with families through pregnancy, birth and into the first year of life as parents.
They offer a range of services, courses, and even yoga.  Including one-on-one sessions for feeding, settling and sleeping your baby.

I have met Simone who runs Maternal Journey and I highly recommend her business.

For more information, check out Maternal Journey 

They are based in Hamilton New Zealand.

More info:  Antenatal Classes


Monday, December 14, 2009

Don't Judge Other Parents

Don’t Judge other Parents.  One mother shares her story with Breastmates about switching to formula

It’s not the end of the world.

You can read the full Breastfeeding / Formula Feeding Story here


Breastfeeding & Expressing milk for bottle

Breastfeeding story shared with Breastmates Maternity Store from a customer. She breastfed for 21 months with a combination of breast & expressing milk into a bottle.  I am really glad that she shared the bit about doing bottle top ups, you don’t hear people speak about that muchYou can read her full breastfeeding story and tips here.

Breastfeeding on the Couch

Breastfeeding baby while sitting on the couch. Here is a gorgeous  photo that a mother has shared with us, and it raises some good points to show you.
·        Breastfeeding position on the couch (as most mothers do!)
·        Baby in the cradle position. 
·        Pillow support behind mums back
·        Mums arm resting on the arm of the chair.
·        Minimal baby weight in your arms.
·        Feet flat on the floor
Its really important that you are sitting comfortably with no strain on your back or neck.  And minimal baby weight in your arms. If you are still experiencing back or neck pain, check out a Nursing Pillow
More information on breastfeeding positions here.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Breastfeeding in Hospital

Breastfeeding in hospital, and the posters around.  Is this the start of the breast/bottle guilt?  We've written a blog post about Breastfeeding In Hospital

Medela Teats


A common question that I get asked about Medela Teats ….. read the full blog post here



Monday, November 30, 2009

Not getting much milk with breast pump

Breast pumps and expressing... not getting much milk?  Read our article about using expressing with a pump and milk you get. 

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Breast or Bottle - an experience with both

A story about Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding. A heart felt story shared by a gorgeous mama  Read here

This is my sister that shared this with us.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Harmony Manual Spare Parts

Customer asked me: The Medela Harmony Pump I have is no longer working...I think there's a tear in the diaphragm (underneath the handle). Would you know if the Pump covered under a warranty or if this part is replaceable.


These parts are not covered by warranty, as it is general wear and tear, but yes replacement parts are available.


I’m not sure which part you need, so have included a few options here.


The little thin white membrane is actually a really really important piece of the equipment, this must have no tears rips or cracks, and no milk residue.


The parts that are under the handle are also available separately, though I would need to order them for you which takes about 4 days.  Photo attached.



Diaphragm with Stem and O-ring

O-ring sold by itself (this is the rubbery part).  The stem is the yellow part.


View all our spare parts here

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baby Rejecting Boob

Baby is rejecting breast and wont feed.  Baby rejecting boob and prefers bottle.  I just wrote an article about this.  Baby Rejecting Breastfeeding

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Second Hand Breast Pumps

Second hand breast pumps and buying them on auction sites Trademe.  A strong recommendation not to buy second hand breast pumps.   Read more

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Avent BPA Free Breast Pumps

We now have the new range of Avent BPA free breast pumpsManual or Uno Electric versions. BPA free has the ‘honey tint’ colour.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tongue Tie Op

I just wrote a post about finding a surgeon who will do the Tongue Tie snip for young baby



Friday, November 6, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Prevent Mastitis

Do you have any products that can help with blocked ducks and /or trying to afford Mastitis?

I would recommend the Lactagogue Massage Oil and the heat packs 

Also lots and lots of vitamin C every day can really help.


Bouquet for Breastmates

A lady recently sent me this lovely email:


Hi Frances


Just wanted to drop a note to say thank you for your site, I have just come across it for the first time. My kids are now 5 and nearly 3, but I still have plenty of friends having their ‘firsts’ and see the stress and guilt they go through, and it reminds me of my first time round. 


I had a breast reduction when I was 15, and while my understanding is that the procedure is much better now, when I had mine done (ahem, nearly 25yrs ago) the technology wasn’t so flash, and lots of my internal boob bits were just taken out.  I was warned at the time that I probably wouldn’t be able to breast feed in the future, but as you can imagine, meaningless advice to a 15yr old!


Subsequently, both my children have been fully bottle fed.  In both cases, I gave the boobs a damn good try, but my milk never came in either time.  I am a strong, educated Mum who had kids in her 30s, and still I was made to feel incredibly guilty when I couldn’t breastfeed the first time round (by the second time round I was a bit wiser and more bolshy!).  And there was no information available – when my husband asked the Waikato hospital midwives what he should look for when buying formula, he was told “you shouldn’t be buying formula and I’m certainly not allowed to give you any advice on it”.  Ridiculous!  If I was made to feel so guilty and useless, I shudder to think how younger, perhaps less educated Mums who can’t breastfeed for whatever reason must feel after going through ‘the system’.


So well done to you for your website.  I can see from a quick browse that it is more focused on breastfeeding, and that’s as it should be.  But I love the practical information that is on there about bottle feeding, and the fact that it is non-judgmental.




Mum to two robust, healthy, cheeky little monkeys!





Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Manual Breast Pump Parts

This is a very common question that I get asked, lots of mums melt their breast pump parts.

It does get confusing working out which part is which for the pumps, this lady took the initiative and emailed a photo.

She has the Medela Manual breast Pump, and just needed a new cylinder.  We can organize that for her no problem.

More information on Medela Spare Parts



Although it was exhausting being at the Parent and Child show over the weekend, (and my voice is still lost), it was great to catch up with some other mums.  Swapping a few business ideas and having a good ol’ rant.  The Oyster Bay Sav went down a treat.  I definitely made the most of my weekend away in Auckland (without kids and hubby) and had social engagements every night.  Maybe that’s the reason I lost my voice… .hehehe
It was cool to put faces to names with other members of the Mums on Top forum and twitter.
We had Marilynn from Mums On Top – go and join the forum, you will really enjoy it.
Sarah and Shelly from Unido Slings
Jo from Best Blooms
Angela from Bonnie Bee Bag Co
Sarina from NudeyRudey nappies
And Bex and her gorgeous scrummy baby girl, Bexie Lady
There were a few other pikers that didn’t make it.

 So go and check out these websites, they are all fabulous sites run by fabulous women. 
Plus you also should join up to the Mums On Top website and tell them that Franny from Breastmates referred you!